Whither next? Name that series!
In the comments, please list titles (and short descriptions, if you like) of anything you think they might come up with.
I'll start....
There's only room enough in this stillsuit for one of us! ... Wait, come back!
... An even smaller subset of readers might know that I've vowed not to write any more novels set in this Hyperion universe for a variety of reasons, chief among them being that I don't want to dilute any existing vitality of the epic in a series of profitable but diminishing-returns-for-the-reader sequels.
Still, I never promised not to return to my Hyperion universe via the occasional short story of even novella-length tale. Readers enjoy such universes and miss them when they're gone (or when the writer who created them is gone forever) and this nostalgia for old reading pleasures is precisely what gives rise to the kind of posthumous franchising–the sharecropping-for-profit of a writer's original vision–that I hate so much in today's publishing. But the occasional short work in an otherwise "completed" universe is my attempt at a compromise between retilling tired fields and completely abandonning the landscape."
I truly believe that if someone who had never read the dune novels were to pick up and read this series, from Dune to Hunters of Dune, they would not be able to tell that 'Hunters' was written by a different author(s).
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